Relung Multidimensi


         Any developing condition or resource that can be used in a single axis or dimension, where dimensions can be explained as placement where the organism will be. Given the number of dimensions at the same time, a clear picture of the niche of an organism can be seen. For example, the temperature range in which chaffinch birds tolerate will overlap with many other species. Also, if we consider the size of the prey and the height of the foraging as the next dimension. To change any dimension of a resource or condition that affects the organism, it produces a clearly illustrated ecological niche - a 'n-dimensional hypervolume' (where n is the number of axes). Simple theories such as these clearly illustrated niches are 'unique' to each species (or even at one level of life of the species), although previous research shows this trend does not occur in a dynamic or limited (patchwork) environment. The practical weakness of the hypervolume n-dimensional theory is that it is impossible to ensure all dimensions have been improved, but, also, this theory is a very useful concept. Two species can not have the same niche, there will be competition. 


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