Tolerance Range


Different species are found in different areas; some species have overlapping ranges, others do not. Each species has a set of environmental conditions within which it can best survive and reproduce. Not surprisingly, those conditions are the ones for which it is best adapted. Many different physical, abiotic (non- living) factors influence where species live, including temperature, humidity, soil chemistry, pH, salinity and oxygen levels.
Just as species have geographic ranges, they also have tolerance ranges for the abiotic environmental conditions. In other words, they can tolerate (or survive within) a certain range of a particular factor, but cannot survive if there is too much or too little of the factor. Take temperature, for example. Polar bears survive very well in low temperatures, but would die from overheating in the tropics.
 In example :

Fish have a certain tolerance temperature and have different preference temperatures, depending on the condition of the fish, in example fish in gravid state, not gravid or juvenile.
Temperature can be regarded as a limiting factor because of its influence on biological processes and the inability of most organisms to regulate their body temperature appropriately. And some organisms can not maintain their body temperature higher some degree above or below ambient temperature. Temperature can be a limiting factor for fish because it affects the fish's metabolism. Fish have a certain level of tolerance to temperature. Fish age also affects the temperature of the fish preferendum.


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